paraboss: Boss Bulletin #14: On-farm seasonal updates and tips, Diagnosing and dealing with Drench Resistance, Zero grazing, fast fact & more.

Boss Bulletin #14: On-farm seasonal updates and tips, Diagnosing and dealing with Drench Resistance, Zero grazing, fast fact & more.

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In this edition

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers

A few important lookouts for producers at this time of the year.

For those that lamb or kid in May-June, be sure to keep a close watch on worm egg counts – and use an effective pre-lambing treatment.

Read the full update

Diagnosing and dealing with drench resistance

Dr Matthew Playford explores the importance of conducting regular drench tests, choosing effective drenches, and implementing integrated parasite management strategies to control drench resistance.

Read the full article

Healthy Goats - using management tools to create healthy goat herds

Long-term worm control relies on an extra suite of tools to achieve ‘next level’ healthy goat herds.

Learn all about the common health issues that affect goats and the use of vaccines, biosecurity practices, and nutrition management to maintain healthy goats.

Read the full article

National Sheep Health Monitoring Project sheds light on top conditions affecting the industry

After a wet summer, there is an increased risk of liver fluke pick-up and subsequent summer infections.

This may lead to a peak output of infective cysts during late summer and early autumn, necessitating treatment in April and May.

Read the full article

Managing worms in dairy goats with zero grazing

Gastrointestinal parasites or worms are an important disease of dairy goats!

Find out the importance of monitoring worm burdens, using targeted treatments, and pasture management practices to control worm infections in goats.

Read the full article

Pesticide resistance

Resistance can develop to any group of chemicals. 

Learn about the reasons why traditional pesticide treatments are becoming less effective and alternative treatments and preventative measures that can help combat the issue.

Learn more

Treating lice: when, how and what chemical group

There are no set times to treat for lice. Louse numbers peak over cooler winter months so if heavy infestations are seen, the optimal timing of treatment is late autumn.

Discover what and how to use for cattle lice control.

Read the full article

Upcoming events

Webinar | 9 May 2023 | 1 PM

Next Level Healthy Goats!

Join the ParaBoss team for a new webinar, where we will look at a holistic approach to goat worm management while optimising the overall health of your herd.

In this webinar, Dr Playford will not only cover all things worms but will also be taking a closer look at the role of nutrition, breeding, use of diagnostics, animal monitoring, pasture management and the important role that veterinarians and advisors can play to help achieve your herd’s production and animal health goals.

As always, we encourage you to send in any questions to or ask them real time in the webinar!


Watch previous ParaBoss webinars 

Checkout our latest webinar series below.

Watch previous webinars

Fast fact

Thanks to their adventurous diet, goats’ bodies have evolved to break down toxins quickly (compared to cattle or sheep).

Unfortunately, what’s true for toxins is also true for helpful drugs: toxin-fighting body systems can stop drugs from reaching a useful level for long enough in the organ where they need to be (e.g. the abomasum or 'fourth stomach'). When a dose doesn’t kill all parasites, some survivors can learn to avoid (resist) the drug.

So, in goats:

1. not all ingredients work and some are harmful,
2. pour-ons rarely work,
3. goat-specific dose rates are needed,
4. withholding periods may differ,
5. resistance develops rapidly.

Talk to your vet about a plan for your goats.

‘Next-level’ worm control for healthy goat herds - ParaBoss
Drenches for goats: using products correctly and legally - WormBoss
Drenches for goats: alternatives to registered commercial drench products - WormBoss

ParaBoss Certified advisors and providers

There are now over 100 graduates of the ParaBoss Certificate in Sheep Parasite Management, including rural resellers, veterinarians and sheep consultants.

If you are looking for sheep parasite management advice, look for the ParaBoss Certified Sheep Advisor logo. Learn more here.

Regular WormTests drive the optimum drenching time and can save you the expense of unnecessary drenching or using the wrong drench!


MLA- Ideas for year-round productivity | Five tools to improve grazing management | Disease guides for cattle and sheep


MLA: Subsoil: it’s what’s on the inside that counts | Market wrap | Worm resistance